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Financial Services Tax Conference 2020

November 18, 2020
9:00 am

About this event

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Hansuke, in cooperation with WTS Global are delighted to present our 2020 Financial Services Tax Conference.

In a virtual setting, we welcome you to an exciting two days that promise insightful and thought-provoking discussion on a global scale. Our expert panellists will tackle topical issues across four thematic areas:

  • Tax Transparency
  • Tax Integrity
  • Tax Fraud
  • Digital Taxation

From the taxation challenges of an increasingly digital economy and OECD's Two-Pillar Approach, to the technical demands of DAC6 reporting, there are significant implications for the financial services sector.

Register now to join our free virtual conference which will explore the real implications of new and forthcoming tax developments for the industry.

The Future of Work

FSTC19: Delegates at FSTC19, Chartered Accountants' Hall, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

What role will corporations play in shaping the road ahead in 2021? What will employment look like in 2025? How is the relationship between individuals and companies changing? Join us for two exciting sessions on the future of work, as our expert panellists debate the critical issues and concerns facing employers and employees, exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.

Join the conversation at #FSTC20 on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Meet the speakers

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Meet the speakers

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